Sunday, September 23, 2012

Introduction to the Energy Healing

Introduction to the Energy Healing weblog

Prior to any explanation about energy healing, I should explain about different types of it which are common in the society.

There are two types of energy healing in international community.  The first one is based on suggestions and the other one is the real form of energy healing. Almost 99% of energy healing that exists in the world is of the first type which is suggestive.  As suggestive energy healing is very common all around the world, first we would give some general explanations about this type.

There some points about suggestive energy healing which are as follows:
First, because of being suggestive, this method is just effective for special persons who are flexible to the suggestions. The more the person is flexible and impressible to suggestions the more the method can be effective.

Second, the disease can be always reversible by getting away from suggestions or hearing negative suggestions.

Although this method has these two major drawbacks, if the patient is flexible and impressible to suggestions and never get exposed to negative ones it can be very effective and useful.

We can observe that in some societies whose people believe in energy healing or due to environmental conditions are flexible to suggestions; this method is very efficient and successful.

It’ s worth mentioning that if this type of healing is applied along with hypnotism it would be even more helpful, as in hypnotism the flexibility to suggestion is more than normal conditions and suggestions can have more effect on patient which leads to deeper and faster recovery.

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